Programme & project management
Whatever the size or scope of a project, our programme & project management team provides strong leadership from inception through to completion.

We take full ownership for successful project delivery - maximising performance and value at every stage, delivering the intended benefits on time and within budget.
We help our clients succeed by making sure that we understand their individual needs.
We mobilise dedicated teams of project professionals, driving optimal performance, ensuring key milestones are met, and leading and motivating the wider project team.
Focusing on project and programme delivery
By blending professionalism with personality, our team will develop a tailored project delivery plan for you. Together, we review project structure, organisation, and risk profile, and agree the best approach that meets the individual needs of our client’s programme or project.
Our pragmatic management approach ensures a smooth and efficient process. We provide astute, accurate advice and support at every stage of the project lifecycle, achieving the targeted programme and project benefits for our clients.
In line with the principle of ISO44001, our team will build and foster an ethos of collaboration and teamwork that promotes the highest standard of service delivery, innovation and continuous improvement.
We recognise the importance of managing risks and maximising opportunities. As such, we will proactively identify your programme and project risks and opportunities at the earliest possible stage, allowing the team to agree the most appropriate course of action.
We keep our projects on track throughout the delivery phase by embedding robust project governance into our management structure and delivery, underpinned by our ISO 9001:2015 certified quality management systems. Measures include regular reviews of contractors’ progress on site, gateway controls, KPIs, and the capturing and reporting of performance data.

Applying innovative approaches
We always seek opportunities to improve project outcomes by applying industry best practice or Modern Methods of Construction (MMC), to deliver efficiency, cost, environmental and other added value benefits. Where appropriate, we’ll introduce lean construction techniques to improve communication and efficiency, and eliminate waste.
Our project managers capitalise on the latest industry tools and systems, driving efficiency and improving our clients experience. We also use our own in-house digital solutions such as Orchestrate, our digital project management office, which ensures a structured and fully supported delivery methodology throughout the project lifecycle.
Following project completion and handover we offer enhanced aftercare support, with post project reviews, making sure that benefits have been realised.
Recognising the importance of our role, and our commitment to the planet, Gleeds was the first corporate organisation to sign up to the responsible project management (RPM) manifesto, which is aligned with the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Programme & Project Management team

Dave Corbin
Southampton, United Kingdom

Brian McArdle
Liverpool, United Kingdom

Siva Senathipathy
Bangalore, India

Suzan Talley
Atlanta, United States