A collaborative effort to build a brighter future for Peru's youth
The Bicentennial Schools programme represents a landmark effort by the Peruvian government to modernise and revitalise the nation's education infrastructure. Spanning 75 state schools nationwide, this ambitious programme aims to construct new, state-of-the-art facilities within three and a half years. These schools will serve as beacons of learning for over 118,000 students across Peru, providing them with access to high-quality educational environments conducive to their academic and personal development.
Gleeds is playing a pivotal role in the Bicentennial Schools programme as part of the British-Finnish consortium Koulu. Innovation is central to Koulu’s vision, with a focus on optimising design for improved cost efficiency, inclusion, resilience and sustainability.
Leveraging our expertise in project management and consultancy services, we collaborate closely with our partners, Mace, to successfully deliver each school. From establishing a robust Project Management Office (PMO) to providing technical assistance and capacity building, the partnership is contributing to every stage of the programme's seamless execution.
Third Quarter 2025 expected completion date for the last school$1.6 billion financial scale