Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) has appointed Gleeds to manage the main works contract with Willmott Dixon Construction Limited for the delivery of Stockport’s new transport interchange mixed use facility.

With funding contributions from TfGM, Stockport Council, the Greater Manchester Combined Authority and CityRise, the overall development costing in the region of £130m will deliver a new transport interchange facility, a two-acre town centre park atop the interchange, 196 residential apartments and improved pedestrian and cycling links to the local rail station and the town centre.

The opportunity for much improved facilities and a new town centre park will undoubtedly carry a lot of weight with Stockport’s community. “We’re looking forward to sharing our contract management expertise to help achieve the massive scale and vision for the Stockport interchange mixed use scheme. Alex Halliday, Director at Gleeds.

The development will take place within the existing Stockport Bus Station site next to the A6 and Mersey Square. It forms part of a larger £1bn revitalisation of Stockport town centre.

We’ve already seen transformative developments like Stockport Exchange and Redrock put Stockport on the map as an exciting, attractive place to live, work, and visit....This mixed-use development builds on that momentum, providing a further catalyst for regeneration of the town centre whilst simultaneously providing a step change in the quality of facilities provided for transport users in this location. We’re excited to welcome Gleeds on board.

Chris Barnes, Head of Projects at TfGM

Gleeds will enter the development’s post-contract stage to supervise onsite construction and site handover to client, while also monitoring and managing the programme of works, monthly progress, contractor design and coordination.

Planning permission for the interchange was granted in March 2019. With enabling works already underway and main contract works due to start in early 2022, the development is set for completion in 2024. 

To find out more about Stockport’s new interchange, click here