Climate science has advanced dramatically in the last five years and the price of mitigation technologies has fallen greatly. But the threats to the environment and biodiversity continue to rise.  

In our first Climate Conversation, we tell the story of how Gleeds, Mace, and Arup are actively building climate resilience in Peru after the devastating floods caused by El Niño in 2017. It’s an exceptional example of a government-to-government project helping vulnerable communities recover from and prepare for the impact of climate change.  

Using video, commentary, and case studies, we explore green financing, the power of collaboration, knowledge transfer and the importance of legacy in the journey from problem to long-term solution.  

We recognise the need to change and innovate in construction and infrastructure development. Our industry stands at a pivotal moment; needing to play a critically important role in achieving more stringent carbon-cutting measures.  

Explore The Climate Conversation to learn more. 

There is no going back - no matter what we do now, it's too late to avoid climate change and the poorest, the most vulnerable, those with the least security, are now certain to suffer. 

Sir David Attenborough